A Much Needed Week End!
I shot a nice little wedding Saturday. The Bride is a police officer and the Groom a Marine Sargeant. The coolest thing was when they exited

This morning I got up early, took care of a couple of chores around the house and then pulled my 1100 Vstar out of the shop. What a perfect Florida day!
Sunny and 63 degrees...got up to 72! Wow, a ride was just what I needed. I lost a friend and work companion to a senseless car crash this week. An unlicenced, drunk driver ran a light and T-boned him. Now, my friends, I like a couple of cold beers during my Bucs games...I love a fine wine...and the Irish in me has been known to have a wee bit of the whiskey once and awhile...BUT, please let someone else do the driving or stay at home. Anything to avoid something a tragic as this. OK...I'm off the soap box now!
Sunny and 63 degrees...got up to 72! Wow, a ride was just what I needed. I lost a friend and work companion to a senseless car crash this week. An unlicenced, drunk driver ran a light and T-boned him. Now, my friends, I like a couple of cold beers during my Bucs games...I love a fine wine...and the Irish in me has been known to have a wee bit of the whiskey once and awhile...BUT, please let someone else do the driving or stay at home. Anything to avoid something a tragic as this. OK...I'm off the soap box now!
I took a
ride up to a neat little bar and grill called the Baypoint Inn. Nothing around it...sits on a bayou that leads out to the Gulf of Mexico. The deck out back had live music and the food is really good. I had the all-you-can-eat fish, cole slaw and some great homemade french onion soup and a diet coke! Taked with a few fellow bikers, listen to some tunes and headed home through the winding back roads. Was great! On my "Things I love to do" list, riding my motorcycle comes right after taking photographs!

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