East Bound Ride
What a busy week end. It started Friday night with me working this little side job from 9 PM until 3 AM. Got a little sleep and got up Saturday to do my regular job. Saturday night however, was cool. I went over to one of the big hotels here in Tampa, where I like to have a beverage or two in the hotel sports bar. What made it cool was, the annual Tattoo convention was there! Woohoo! I go for the art work and for the ZOO! Now, don't get me wrong. All the people I met there are talented and nice people, but, the wide range of appearances is a "Priceless" moment. A couple of female tattoo artist sat next to me and I was admiring their Tats. They asked if I had any and No I don't. One gal smiled and commented that I have large arms and would be perfect for a nice detailed tattoo. LOL! She ALMOST had me too. I opted to not let the spur-of-the-moment, and a couple of adult beverages, make me do something I would be stuck with for the rest of my life. Instead, I will mull the idea over and have something very customized done, maybe to celebrate my upcoming retirement from my day job!
Sunday morning I was up early and to the gym for my one hour work-out.
Then home, showered and off on the bike. This time the trip went East of Tampa out to Plant City, home of the best strawberries in the world! Well. I headed into the Historic Downtown area and spotted "Snellgroves". This is a nice little "mom & pop" with good home cooking! Although I missed the breakfast run, the pork chops and vegetables were great! No strawberry shortcake for me! Bill paid and off I rode to the East through Plant City and south on State Road 39. I ended up on some of the longest, straightest roads through Florida farm and cattle company that I have ever traveled. I would go for miles and miles never seeing another car. Most of the time it was me, the road and the vultures! I happened upon a road kill of a deer that about 20 vultures had picked clean. I'll spare you the photo! ;} Every time I saw a sign that pointed out a state park or something of interest, I would follow that road. Next thing I knew I was in Sarasota. I navigated back northwest and got back on the famed Highway 301 which would take me back to Tampa.
I was passing through a little farm community when I spotted a sign for the Florida Rail Road Museum. I turned down a little road that lead me to an open field and some side tracks. Sitting there were several locomotives and Pullman cars. There wasn't anyone around, so I just walked around the cars and snapped and couple of pictures. I will mark this place down for a re-visit with the big camera's and maybe a model.

Made it back home which is always a good sign that I had a good ride day. That was another 200 miles on the bike. Next week is Easter and I'm still hoping to get a ride in before the traditional family dinner. Ummmm, Why Ham? Shouldn't it be rabbit?
Be safe! cya
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