Why do I do this to myself! I have really been proud of keeping up a gym routine and dropping a few pounds these past couple of months. But when some co-workers came to me and asked if I would represent our office in the annual Wing Bowl chicken wing eating contest, for the March of Dimes, I had to say yes! I do love the wings!!! lol So part of this was to get people to sponsor me by donating to the March of Dimes. They could do a flat donation or pledge money per
wing I ate. I got a couple of people to drop $1.00 per wing. The event was held in a park in the middle of downtown Tampa at noon. It was kind of a festive feel and each of the 15 or so contestants had cheering sections. Among my cheerleaders were a couple of beautiful gals that came over from Thee Doll House. They came over to watch and ended up sponsoring me. Thank you to Ange, Brittney and Kendra for your donation and support for the March of Dimes babies. The wings were provided by
Gators Dockside, with locations at John's Pass in St. Pete Beach and near USF at 56th St & Fowler Ave in Tampa. The table was set up with our names on placards, there were paper towels, bottles of water and bone buckets ready. The Gators crew placed aluminum serving trays in front of each person containing 40 wings. The first Wing...sort of like the first pitch...was eaten by Tampa Assistant Chief of Police Jane Castor. Then the MC began the countdown. We would have 15 minutes to eat as many wings as we could. "GO"... I was using my casual pace style, stripping the wings to the bone. I knocked off the first 40 with no problem. Then they would bring a tray of ten. Got those down too. But my down fall was the drummies! Actually I like those better than the flat wing, but these were pretty good size drummies and dry! It took a lot of chew'n to get one of those down. I would have to take little sips of water to wet the meat so I could swallow. "3-2-1...stop"!! I finished second with a count of 55. The winner took it with 63. Although I think my bones were a little cleaner! But it was for a good cause. However, my company teammates and I ate enough to give us the first place team award. We are still counting the money to see who raised the most money. Remember those $1 folks? $55 donation, thank you very much!! lol OK..double time back to the gym! cya!

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