Hello fans or anyone that stumbles on this blog. LOL. The last month of so has been very busy for many reasons. One of the biggest reasons is that I decided after 30 years of service to the City of Tampa, it was time to go. Several times I eluded to some of my work. The only reason I was not forthright with my actual job title was that my blog was a reflection of me as a photographer. Now, I can talk about it as part of an era gone by, and one that I am extremely proud of. It allowed me to do and see things that other people can only read about or see on TV. I have been able to meet Presidents and the biggest leaders of our country and shake their hands. I have met music and movie stars, pro-athletes. I have been in harms way and experienced life and death situations. I have been able to help kids "do the right thing" in a program that is more than dear to my heart, it's a living part of me. I have been spat upon and I have been called a hero for the things that I have done in my job. Of any name or title, the one I leave with after 30 years of service is "Police Corporal".

The one I leave with that I honor the most, is "Post Advisor" of the Tampa Police Explorer Post 275.
http://www.tampaexplorers.com/ These are the kids I have spoken of. Motivated teens that are keeping their lives in good order in hopes that they too will one day be part of the thin blue line. As the Post Advisor for 12 years, we built a machine that trained these youth into award winning competition teams. We have captured National and State Pistol Championships year after year. We have won top honors in mock traffic crash; traffic stops; crime scene investigation, in-progress crime and crisis intervention scenarios, just to name a few. Many of the Explorers have moved on to become police officers and some have gone on to raise families and work in everyday jobs. I am very proud of them all. I'm looking forward to the day in Jan '08 when my nephew, who I have raised as a son, graduates from the police academy and carries on the tradition.
Over the years, I have seen hundreds of kids come and go. I look out into the class room on a meeting night, and I see 30-40 teenagers that for the most part, have a direction in their lives. It was very hard for me to walk out the door and leave "my kids". But I take comfort in the fact that a good officer and friend, Robert, took over and will do just fine. I have elected to assist the department and the Explorers by being in our Reserve Force for the time being. I leave good dedicated friends and Associate Advisors like Cpl. Johnny our Pistol Team Coach, Sue and Roxanne who where more than Advisors to the kids, they are "Moms". We will remain a team and ensure that Post 275 remains the BEST POST in the Nation.
So now I move on to do more photography and ride my motorcycle. I have that retirement list of projects to do around the house when there just was never enough time in a week to get them done. Maybe I can even keep up with my blog. LOL I look at it as a start of a new era.
Be safe....and, Cyaz!
Labels: explorers, retirement