AnnaMaria Island Wedding
What a nice beach wedding I shot in AnnaMaria Island in the Bradenton FL area, about 60 miles south of Tampa. I only wished I had worn a pair of shorts and a Jimmy Buffet shirt rather than a suit! Beautiful day, eventhough a tad chilly. Cand
ice and Matt were so cool and laid back. They made this Wedding Event such a cool gig. The place they had the wedding was called the Sandbar Restaurant. A cool little wood frame place on the beach with both outside and inside dining and bar. The Sandbar also has an area with a large event tents for weddings. The staff set up chairs and an arbor on the beach for the ceremony. At first it was a photographers nightmare...the set up was facing right into the sun. Nice for a view...awful for pictures. I worked
around it... Ah, But when the sun began to set...Now there were some nice shots! There were a couple of nice touches to this wedding. The bride, of course, was beautiful in a tradition gown, as were her brides maids. The guys were looking sharp in 3 piece tux. Then the entire wedding party wore sandal's, or as we call'em, flip-flops. Made sense to me...heels in the powder sand..not good. At most weddings you see the
Unity candle being lit. Well, with the beach thing going on and there was a strong breeze, Candice and Matt went with a Sand Ceremony. They each took a long vial of sand and poured it into a larger vase. This symbolized the combining of the sand to where the two sands mixed together and could never be separated. I thought that was really cool. After the photos on the beach, it was into the event tent for some really good Sandbar Restaurant buffet and dancing. A very nice time for a super couple. Woohoo!! No wedding on the schedule until April 8th.
Well, so much for Sunday's being "my days" for riding the cycle. First, I changed the oil in the bike on Friday night only to discover that the cycle shop gave me the wrong oil filter. The bummer is that parts department doesn't open back up until Tuesday!! Second, I shot a political fundraisier today for the start of a campaign for a great lady, Rose Ferlita. She has be a city councilwoman for 8 years and is now moving on to County Commisoner. I'm sure I will be doing move for her campaign as time goes on.

Well, so much for Sunday's being "my days" for riding the cycle. First, I changed the oil in the bike on Friday night only to discover that the cycle shop gave me the wrong oil filter. The bummer is that parts department doesn't open back up until Tuesday!! Second, I shot a political fundraisier today for the start of a campaign for a great lady, Rose Ferlita. She has be a city councilwoman for 8 years and is now moving on to County Commisoner. I'm sure I will be doing move for her campaign as time goes on.