Simple and Easy
This past week end was busy, but easy. I had two kid's birthdays to photograph and a small wedding. The wedding was at the famous Don CeSar Hotel on St.

pink and white making it stand out in contrast to the white sandy beach. This shot is obviously a night shot on the street side on the hotel. The wedding was handled by the CeSar's Intimate Wedding Coordinator Ms. Quinn Noonan. She only works with groups of 25 or less. She was also the Official for the wedding ceremony. With her dark red hair, sparkling blue eyes and the name Quinn Noonan, could she BE anymore Irish? She
did a great job making the event flawless and relaxed. From the reading of the ceremony on the beach to the dinner in the hotel, everything was attended too. Carletta and Michael, both who have been married before, were relaxed and had a good time with everything. This shot of the Bride and Groom was done on the beachside of "The Don". Believe me when I say, if your looking for elegance in a dinner event or a wedding, The Don CeSar is the one of the premier spots in Central Florida.

Then came the kid's birthday parties. One on Saturday, and one on Sunday. I do appreciate parents that want to be sure that they have quality photographs of a special family event, however, I think I prefer hearing the "Electric Slide" at a wedding reception, one-more-time, over the din of screaming 6 year olds watching a man make balloon animals! Hey. at least they were all well behaved kids! Eh!...It's a living! ;} cya