Photo Expedition
After a serious storm past through early Sunday morning, I decided that I wanted to get out and do some photo work. When I travel around central Florida on my cycle, I always see these old abandon buildings and think to myself that I would like to get a shot of that before it is gone forever. Well, today was one of those days. I was out around the Plant City area when I spotted an old tractor barn and house. I'm guessing built back in the 30's. Did a few shots then moved on. I went East to Mulberry,
Fl. where I traveled down a side road and found this fours story abandon factory. Now, I don't know the history of this place, but I could tell they moved some kind of powdered substance the consistency of plaster or gypsum.
I was able to get inside and it was amazing how the superstructure had collapsed. Twisted metal and equipment made

for some interesting shots. Then I spotted a surreal
image. In the mist of all this industrial disaster was a 23 foot boat! There was no rhyme or reason for it being there, but there it was. It was not like it was parked in a storage area, but rather left on the factory floor. Most likely dumped there after the build collapsed because there were no signs of vehicle tracks leading up to the building. Anyway, time to move on after shooting a series of images. Next was just outside of Bartow, Fl. I had driven past this smoke stack for 30 years or more and always admired it. So today I stopped and it to was part of a day gone
by. I couldn't help thinking how this smoke stack had to be over 50 years old and how it was built one brick at a time. I got some nice shots of the stack and of the adjoining old factory. It looked like its last use was some type of fabrication shop. I concentrated on little things like gauges, antique door handles and the like.

I moved on until I found a railroad repair depot. I wasn't able to get into the yard, but outside the yard area were some neat things like rails, piles of spikes, and broken railroad crossing lights. I will post those another time when I do a trains posting. I like trains and the stuff that goes with them.
I enjoyed stealthing around today and look forward on doing it again. cya!
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