There were the very old veterans there and then were small children. People from
all ages and walks of life coming together for this brief moment. You watched all that was going on and you realized that there could be some hope for patriotism in our country when you see grandparents and parents bringing their small children to this ceremony and giving them the understanding of what it all means and that one day it will be them that carries on the tradition. I didn't take any of my pro-cameras with me, now wishing I had. But with my little point and shoot, I spotted this little Brownie. She was looking over her uniform and was very proud of her merit badges. She planted her American Flag in the ground and stood reverently as the VFW Color Guard prepared to present the colors. I wondered if one day this little girl would become a soldier and protect our country because of what she learned today. If so, like all of our men and women in the armed forces and in law enforcement, I prayed for their safety. After the songs were sung, the speeches, the fly overs, the bag pipes playing Amazing Grace, a 21 gun salute and taps echoing over the grounds, we walked quietly back to our bikes and mounted up.

We were off to have lunch and laugh over the incredible mess made on our bikes by the "love-bugs". I hope you had a good Memorial Day Holiday. If you did, next time you see a serviceman/woman or a police officer, thank them for protecting your right to have a day like Memorial Day.
Be safe, Cyaz
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